If you have ever carefully listed out your itemized tax deductions before, especially if you own a home, consider a different approach now.
Explore our tool that contrasts the Standard Tax Deduction and Itemized Tax Deductions. In just a short amount of time
Here’s the breakdown of all the changes. Standard deduction For the 2020 tax year, the standard deduction amounts have increased. Here are the amounts below. For taxpayers who are blind or at least 65 years old, they can claim an additional standard deduction. The standard deduction is $1,300 and $1,650 for the single or head […]
The IRS already announced the inflation adjustments for next year. Although the e-file and extension deadline is in a month, the year is almost gone. 2020 has been more than a roller coaster ride, and the next tax season is only a few months away. Many taxpayers may wonder how their stimulus payments affect your […]
Trying to understand anything tax related makes you feel like you’re back in grade school. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here’s some sure-fire information that may help you out if you’re a first time filer, or if you have some general questions about claiming tax deductions. What’s the difference between claiming the standard […]
The new tax season brought in a lot of changes, and your job expenses are one of them. If you’ve noticed on your tax returns that you can’t deduct your W-2 job expenses for 2018, you’re partially correct. Unfortunately, not everyone can claim their out-of-pocket job expenses. Here’s the breakdown. Eligibility The new tax laws […]
Generosity has its perks, or rather its tax benefits. Keep in mind, taxpayers are able to easily itemize once they exceed their standard deduction. This typically happens by taxpayers claiming charitable donations along with any expenses they have. It then becomes greater than their standard deduction. However, the standard deduction is twice the amount for 2017. […]
Strapped for cash as a recent grad? See if you qualify for a student loan interest deduction. College is over and you’ve been blasted with a taste of reality…or should I say adulthood? It’s tough but you’ll get through it. Even the IRS is on your side with certain deductions available to those of us who […]
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